La fabrique des futurs

Commissioned by
  • Pays Combraille en Marche
  • Plausible Possible

La Fabrique des Futurs is a social innovation project implemented as part of the close-knit relationship between Plausible Possible and the team at Le Pays Combraille en Marche, a regional association in central France. Together we reached out to residents and redesigned methods for creating administrative documents, in order to make them an instrument for civil dialogue. All the phases in the project helped us reshape local action, engagement and the working tools used by public authorities in rural areas.

Plausible Possible assisted Le Pays Combraille en Marche in writing a new charter. The association was seeking to rewrite the charter through a participatory process and make it a document that would bring people together and convey clear ideas. The wanted to avoid producing the classic sort of document that often ends up stowed away in a drawer.

Plausible Possible proposed turning the initiative into a collaborative social fiction filmmaking project. The concept was to film the region in which residents would like to live and present the goals that must be achieved to make that a reality. The residents became the actors in the film that they helped write. 

While residents quickly got behind the project, communication was hindered by how spread out the population is. To remedy this, La Fabrique des Futurs has now established a community of committed volunteers. A number of initiatives developed for the project are now being implemented in the region.

Non recherche-action plateforme socialdesign
Cadre budgétaire
  • tender process
  • undisclosed budget
Project duration
  • 2013 – 2014
  • Ninon Bardet
  • Les Beaux Yeux